And we’re off…! LIINES European Tour 2014
Yesterday we flew out to Berlin for the start of our nearly 3 week European tour which take us to 16 cities in 7 countries – Germany, Belgium, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Holland and Czech Republic – and we can’t bloody wait!
La Moustache presents…
The tour has been organised by a Dana / La Moustache – who organise awesome gigs, club nights and tours in Berlin and throughout Europe. Dana also organised our tour when we were (hooker) and it was definitely an experience that will be hard to beat (but we’re hoping we can!). Also joining us is Stffn aka maybecyborgs who we’re looking forward to getting to know over the coming weeks!
Welcome to Tracey…

Ah, we should also mention that although Steph (our bassist) sadly couldn’t make it on tour for the whole time, the lovely and awesome Tracey is joining us for the first 10 days. She’s already got us off to a great start!
First up – Bei Ruth

The first gig of our tour – and, incidentally, as LIINES – was an incredible space called Bei Ruth on the top floor of an old warehouse/factory building.
It was great to hear maybecyborgs for the first time – one man, a guitar and drum machine – who makes some amazing sounds and we look forward to hearing Stffn’s set again and again over the next few weeks! Check out some music.
So we kicked off our tour in one of our favourite cities, playing our very first gig as LIINES in this amazing venue to a lovely crowd and we loved every minute! It might have killed us throwing everything into the first night, but it was worth it and we can’t wait to do that another FIFTEEN times! Bring it on!
We were also thrilled that our new tshirts and CDs have gone down well with our new Berlin friends.
Thank you Berlin – see you again soon – and if you’re in any of these places (or know people) then please come/invite! //